CEE Comp Presentation
Examples of savings measures

Measures related
to air conditioning
Manage AC unit better
- Gradually increase the set point temperature to reach the target of 25 0C
- Clean and maintain the AC regularly
Prefer natural ventilation and fans
- Try turning off the AC & opening windows to create air flow
- Combine the AC and fans to increase the AC temperature setpoint

Measures related
to Lighting
Identify unneeded lights
- Maximise natural light
- Turn off the lights when leaving
- Unplug unnecessary lamps
Upgrade your lighting system
- Replace old high consumption lamps with LED lamps

Measures related
to any device
Avoid the stand-by mode
- Turn off and unplug appliances when not used

Our one year energy
efficiency competition.

Your building occupants
to save energy in a fun way.

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Of our expertise through technical guides, workshops and one-to-one advices.
Who is this for?
Buildings from all public and private sectors including office, retail, NGO will compete
in a playful way during one year to reduce their energy consumption.