90-Day University Challenge : Cambodian students from six universities compete in CEE Comp

The CEE Comp 90-Day Challenge for public universities is held between May and August 2022. Its objective is to raise awareness of energy efficiency in university buildings and encourage innovation among youth in this field.
Six universities are participating: the National University of Battambang (NUBB), the National University of Management (NUM), the Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA), the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), and the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA).
This challenge could not work without the collaboration of the internal teams involved in each university: the green teams. They have been trained by CEE Comp to manage the competition internally and to raise awareness of energy efficiency among students.
During the 90-Day challenge, students have the opportunity to:
- Learn more about energy use in the university’s building: they were introduced to energy efficiency in the field. They had been visiting rooms at their university and observing different electrical equipment, accompanied by engineers from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and Sevea Consulting.
- Take quizzes to test their knowledge of energy efficiency in Cambodia. The answers were then shared with them by CEE Comp and the Green Team.
- Dozens of student teams competed, showing their talents and efforts through their creative work, and we are excited to share some of their work with you below.

Chheang Team, RUFA


- The Chheang team from RUFA: Chheang BUN and SeavTeang HOR as teammates won first place in the poster contest.
- The SEF team from ITC: Virakbot NHEAN, Pheakdeydadane YOU, Changlyda ENG, Siyean YEOURB, and Odom YENG as teammates won second place in the poster contest.
- យុវជនសាកលវិទ្យាល័យបាត់ដំបង team from NUBB: Seiha HOEURN, Sreymean THEOURN, Ton TE, Sophatny MEURT as teammates won in the third place of the poster contest.
The fight against climate change has been placed at the heart of the CEE Comp project. We believe that this 90-day challenge will alter students to be aware of the climate crisis and the feasible solutions they could implement at their level, even after the competition. We believe that this competition will teach them and enable them to contribute to energy efficiency in their future lifestyle.
The 90-Day Challenge is implemented by Sevea, the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, and the Greencap Erasmus+ Project. It Is supported by the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance and its partners the European Union, Sweden, and UNDP Cambodia Cambodia, and by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.
About the CEE Comp: The Cambodia Energy Efficiency Competition is implemented by the ITC and Sevea. It is a local adaptation of the CUBE competition initiated by the French Institute for Building Performance (IFPEB) as a bid to reduce carbon emissions in France. The CEE Comp is implemented in partnership with the EuroCham, EnergyLab, the Liger Leadership Academy, and the IFPEB, as well as with the financial support of Schneider Electric and the National Council for Sustainable Development under the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Innovation Grant Facility, supported by the European Union, the United Nation Development Program and Sweden.
Edition 2023
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