CEE Comp Quarterly Brief N°3
This third CEE Comp quarterly brief describes the 2 public buildings challenges whose objective were to raise awareness of energy efficiency to the public sector.
The university challenge involved 6 universities competing over a 90-day period: the National University Of Battambang (NUBB), the National University of Management (NUM), the Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA) , the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) anf the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA). The activities implemented during the university challenge particularly involved students as they could earn points for their universities through contests on the theme of energy efficiency.
The ministry challenge involved the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation (MISTI), the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME). Among other initiatives, employees had the opportunity to participate in a training and workshop on energy efficiency.
About CEE Comp: The Cambodia Energy Efficiency Competition is implemented by the ITC and Sevea. It is a local adaptation of the CUBE competition initiated by the French Institute for Building Performance (IFPEB) as a bid to reduce carbon emissions in France. The CEE Comp is implemented in partnership with the EuroCham, EnergyLab, the Liger Leadership Academy and the IFPEB, as well as with the financial support of Schneider Electric and the National Council for Sustainable Development under the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Innovation Grant Facility, supported by the European Union, the United Nation Development Program and Sweden.
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Edition 2023
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