CEE Comp Award Ceremony

The first edition of the CEE Comp is officially over! The Award Ceremony took place on 28th October 2022, at the Ministry of Environment (MoE).
On this occasion, the results were finally revealed! We are very proud to announce that the 22 buildings in the privates companies competition managed to save an average of 9.2% of energy. This corresponds to a saving of approximately 194,000 kWh or 200 tons of CO2 equivalent that were not released into the atmosphere.
During the event, the contribution of the public sector was also recognized. Ministries and universities that participated in raising awareness among their employees and students were congratulated for their strong involvement in the competition.

We would like to express our thanks to Dr. Tin Ponlok, Secretary of State at the MoE and Second Vice Chair of the National Council for Sustainable Development, for chairing the ceremony and hand-overing the awards. Many thank also to the high-level representatives from the European Union, UNDP Cambodia, and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia as well as our sponsor, Schneider Electric, for their participation
And as you have all been waiting for, here are the long-awaited results:
- For the private building competition:
- Winner – Category 1 (low energy use offices): Stung Treng Branch of AMK
- Winner – Category 2 (high energy use offices): EuroCham Cambodia
- Winner – Category 3 (sector-specific buildings): Topaz restaurant of Thalias
- Best communication: Decathlon Cambodia
- Best green team: Smart Axiata
- Awards to the 3 participating ministries: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Mines and Energy Cambodia, and Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation.
- Winning University: National University Of Battambang (NUBB).

The event was made possible by the National Council for Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Environment with the support of the CCCA3, funded by the European Union, Sweden, and UNDP. It was co-organized by the Ministry of Environment, Sevea, and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC).
About the CEE Comp: The Cambodia Energy Efficiency Competition is implemented by the ITC and Sevea. It is a local adaptation of the CUBE competition initiated by the French Institute for Building Performance (IFPEB) as a bid to reduce carbon emissions in France. The CEE Comp is implemented in partnership with the EuroCham, EnergyLab, the Liger Leadership Academy, and the IFPEB, as well as with the financial support of Schneider Electric and the National Council for Sustainable Development under the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Innovation Grant Facility, supported by the European Union, the United Nation Development Program and Sweden.
To know more about us, visit our website: https://ceecomp.org/
And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CEEComp
or on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ceecomp
Edition 2023
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